Support Us
We rely on the generous support of our community to continue our vital work. On this page, you'll find various ways to get involved, from making a donation to becoming a sponsor or volunteer. Join us in shaping the future of inclusive skating.
Share Our Work
Together, we can build a stronger and more inclusive skate community. Share our work to help us reach more people and spread our message of empowerment and equity.
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Follow us on your social media platforms and share our posts, stories, and videos with your followers.
Tell Your Friends:
Talk to your friends, family, and fellow skaters about Black Girls Skate and our mission.
Spread the Word in Your Community:
Share our resources and information with local skate shops, skateparks, and community organizations.
Tag Us in Your Posts:
If you're sharing content related to inclusive skating, be sure to tag us so we can amplify your message.
Searching for skaters? Let us promote your opportunity across our network.
Our Partners and Sponsors
We Need Your Support!
Your donations empowers us to provide equipment, training, workshops, events, grants, and community-building opportunities! Donate, Collaborate, Follow Us, and Share Our Work!